Tuesday, October 20, 2009

teacher's pet

Tonight I had dinner with my 6th grade social studies teacher, Mrs. Moss. She is one of my all-time favorite teachers. Ever. It is so crazy that now, 10 years later, I would be going out to dinner with her. Don't be so quick to judge, I am by no means a teacher's pet. To be honest, I spent more time outside of classrooms than inside (ignore this Mom) but there are just some teachers that are so special and go out of their way to make learning fun and she is definitely one of those teachers. It was so fun to catch up with her and laugh about old memories. I owe facebook a big thank you for the mini reunion that took place tonight. My new favorite thing to do on facebook is look up my old teachers. My friends Maura and Domonique can vouch for me when I say that it provides lots of entertainment. In fact, I recently told Maura that I love when teachers have facebook because then they can see that I didn't turn out to be as much of a screw-up as they thought (I'm talking to you Dukie Barner!!) That is all.

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